It’s ok to lose yourself sometimes
Often enough, in the busyness of life, we lose ourselves. The issue is that we don’t give ourselves enough credit for accepting that; how can we expect to be found without getting lost? This blog post is more of a self-reflection and a short reminder that as humans, we will constantly be losing and finding ourselves through different stages of our lives.
The problem is not in losing ourselves but in getting consumed by the idea that we can never be found. When I say ‘lose yourself’, its context is very subjective. You could feel like you’ve lost yourself for a person, being consumed by your work, lost in fear, contradicting your ideas, thoughts or feeling in a constant conflict with yourself. Sometimes we just need to trust the journey, and as Douglas Adams once said, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be.”
When you lose your car keys, mobile phone or wallet, your first reaction is to panic, create havoc and turn the house upside down until you find them. Unfortunately, that reaction is a recipe for disaster. Now, I am no expert. I am simply a neurotypical human with a big heart and an overactive mind. Yet, when we are aware that we are contradicting ourselves or have moved 10 steps back in the process of self-discovery, we immediately start to panic, overthink and make rash decisions of what to do, which, guess what? It will only leave a bigger mess behind.
The first step to finding yourself is accepting that you are not losing parts of what make you who you are or that things aren’t going as planned. Everyone’s journey is their own, and as you might have guessed, there is no quick fix.
I know that right now, my priority is me. I also know that things will happen, people will come and go, and I will lose myself again and again. But that is part of life, and we can either dwell about it or embrace it. For me, right now, it’s a mix of both.